Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Top 10 Memorial Day Festival Highlights

Most Beautiful Dance: David Hodgson and partner floating like swans on a pond to Somewhere Over the Rainbow at the alternative milonga.

Most Breathtaking Move: After a dazzling display of footwork, Julio and Corina end in a simple, straightforward embrace. When Corina’s foot comes down gentle and precise on the music’s last note, the dance is made perfect and whole.

Coolest Move: Stan’s knee-knocking to the beat. I’ve had leads play with my feet, my hips, but never my knees!

Favorite Visiting Lead: Jane. Scoping out prospective leads during the opening night milonga, I noticed that the followers who weren’t shy about connecting with a woman had fantastic dances with Jane. With courtly attentiveness, she invites the follower to join, give-and-take, in creating the dance. She encouraged me to riff on the steps she led, then picked up on my steps to create the next set. If I were a man, I would learn to follow just for the pleasure of dancing with Jane.

Best Tango Trance: At the alternative milonga, a song deep and rich with cello and viola, swelling and receding, melodic. Relaxing in a chair along the back wall, I am transported. It is lovely to enter a trance while dancing, but there is rare magic in a musical trance.

Best Shoes: Judith’s with the flirty bows. From Gaia’s new stash at The Tango House?

Most Quintessential Gym Class Moment: In class with Julio and Corina, gender balance is seriously off. You’ll have to be assertive about taking a man when we say “change partners,” Nina warns the unpartnered women. I am not assertive enough. I am not alone. Julio notices. Stops the music. “No one dances until these two women have partners!” he announces. The other woman is snapped up. I go as red as my shirt. Julio points: “No music until that woman has a partner!” he insists. Oh, throw a dodgeball. Make me climb a rope.

Most Gracious Apology: Yes, damn it, Tom, you are right. Gender balance matters. In classes, anyway. I’ll give you that much. I’m still standing firm on milongas.

Coolest Festival Moment: From an elevated perch in the Cheeseman Park Pavilion, a bird’s eye view of many dancers, many dances, all part of one larger whole. Tom calls it Tango Transcendence, his reason and reward for organizing this event.

Best of the Fest: Festival organizer Tom Stermitz being showered with well-deserved kudos for creating this great big gift year after year.


Carleen Brice said...

I was wondering when we'd get some news! Hope you had fun.

shane said...

You must not have seen Jessica and I dancing or I'm sure we would've made the list.