Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Word You Are Looking for Is ...

The word you are looking for, my Briliant Intellectual Spiritual Guru friend tells me, is "communion."

I am whining, yet again, about the whole passionate-seduction-erotic-submission-talk that surrounds tango.

When I tell my friends "It's not sex!" they smile knowingly. They think I protest too much.

I don't protest enough.

Our culture suffers from poverty of language. When it comes to the varieties of human connection, we have the vocabulary of Tarzan.

Language shapes thought. If the only words we have to express concepts like connection or intimacy come laden with sexual overtones, then our thoughts can only lead there.

Words are the walls of Schrödinger's box. Tango is the cat.

The word I am looking for right this minute is ....

(Someone gave me a book "Women Who Think Too Much." I need "Women Who Philosophize Too Much When They Ought to Be Working.")


shane said...

Very true. Words narrow experience--and describing the Tango connection as sexual doesn't do it justice.

But I wish you hadn't included the Schrodinger's box link. My head hurts now.

Anonymous said...

The word you were looking for right that minute was "Vulcan Mind Meld" -(see ), but without Spock's overacting.


Or, just plain old mental telepathy.

The more I try to deny my "Trekkie-ness", the more it re-asserts itself. *Another* one of my insights into "what *is* tango?" came while re-watching the film "Star Trek: Insurrection" during which one of the Ba'ku (his love-interest) tries to explain to Picard the mystery of their power. You gotta watch it for yourself.