Sunday, January 28, 2007

I Love All the Leads of Portland Tango

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways;

10. Two of you were so kind as to point out my missteps. One of you even gave me your business card, so I could hire you for lessons. Thanks so much!

9. The Jolly Dancer. Grace, gusto and a grin. A lead caught up in the moment--the most beautiful sight in all of tango. The reason for the dance and a joy to witness.

8. Hannah: Simple steps done well, with charm.

7. "You are an excellent beginner." Thank you. Really. I often hear "keep practicing and you'll be good one day." A gift to be affirmed in where I am today.

6. Ralph of the generous heart. How kind to alter your steps to mine and never make me feel it.

5. In the music's close embrace, leading.

4. Stillness and simplicty. And a little fancy footwork, too.

3. The eye game worked!

2. Michael, Portland-tango-man-once-removed, for sending Sonya to find me.

1. Bill Alsup. Teacher and DJ. Suede on the soles of his sneakers. The spirit of the practica reflects his own.

PS: If you ever go to Portland, plan your trip around the Sunday afternoon practica at Viscount Studio. Class at 1, practica 2 to 5:30-ish.

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