Click on comments below to enter the Caption This! contest.
Here are the rules. Be very careful. They're difficult:
1. Click on Comments button below.
2. Write a caption. Nothing bad. This is me you are talking about!
3. Check back on Sunday to see if you won.
4. I choose the winner based on nothing but my own strong opinion.
5. If I don't have one (strong opinion, that is, which is often the case), Mary Alice gets to choose. And maybe Two-of-Six. Unless they have entered the contest, in which case the person sitting next to me at Starbucks gets to choose. I'm pretty sure he/she will not have entered the contest. But if by some weird coincidence they have, or if they do not respond well to being approached by strangers, then I will wipe the coffee from my face and clothes and ask my Dad, who is no more decisive than me ... or my Mother, who is so averse to hurting anyone's feelings that she parcels out her votes on Dancing with the Stars so that they are fairly distributed among many contestants... or ... You see? Difficult!
Winner gets a $10 Starbucks gift card!
Sing along to Sheryl Crow:
Are you strong enough to be my lead?
I don't see anyone here I want to dance with ..whoa, I really need to stretch my glutes!
I believe your energy is focused to the floor in a can-do, no-frills, ready-for-action fashion. It's as if you're channeling Kevin Costner or any male american actor being interviewed by Jay Leno.
From Tamarama:
I’m ready. Can you see I’m ready? Do I look relaxed? Come on, someone ask me to dance.
Tamrama said
This is it, right? Is this it? The audition for Dancing with the Stars?
This is my version of half-lotus. Ok, now to focus on breathing..
I am not moving until my leg stops throbbing from the kick I just got when I was on the receiving end of someone's boleo..
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