Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Warning: A Little Stephen King

Stephen King explains what he strives for in his fiction:

When his mother was a kid, chewing gum wasn't that easy to come by. So she used to save hers. At night, she would take it out and stick it on the desk or the bedpost. In the morning, she'd grab it, pop it in her mouth and rush off for school.

One morning, she grabbed the gum and popped it in her mouth. Failing to notice the live moth trapped in it. Beating its wings against her teeth, her palate, her tongue. Oops. Before she could think, she chomped down. Bit that big bug in half.

King said he always wanted to write stories that would make people feel the same EWWWW he felt when his mother told him that story.


Warning: Yesterday's entry has a little Stephen King in it.

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