Friday, July 20, 2007

Never Has There Been Such a Dilemma

Merc tonight. Daniel Diaz and Jose Paris.

I want to go. But I am not sure I can work up the courage. I dread what could happen.

It would be easy to go if I could be sure that the leads would keep a certain something to themselves. People in general these days seem eager to share things they should keep private, or even secret.

I know what you're thinking. What could be worse than the dance of 7/17?

Here's what I fear most tonight:

It is nearing midnight. The crowd thins and quiets. The bandoneon and piano sing of nostalgia and loneliness. If you have any heart at all, it must go out to them.

Regretfully, I prepare to remove my shoes. Like Cinderella, I must be gone before midnight.

But as I bend to unbuckle, a man catches my eye. Handsome, dashing, charming.

He approaches. I stand. He takes me into his embrace.

Off we float on the lush, romantic strains of a melancholy vals. The floor opens before us. Mr. Diaz's bandoneon sings only for us. Our every step is perfectly attuned. We are goregous. We are the envy of the gods.

Of course I am carried away. Of course my lead knows it. He gathers me close and closer. This is bliss. And he whispers ...




One Heart Dancing said...

Don't get your knickers in a twist, as my British friend Milongacat might say.

I don't know the end. I made that part up. Harry doesn't die. Unless maybe he does.

I don't know.

Don't tell me!

Anonymous said...

One gentleman read an online version of the ending. Big deal he said. He is still buying the book because it is the journey that counts. This is the same type of thing as someone telling you about the last note Dan Diaz plays ahead of time, it is nothing to compare to dancing with the last note he plays. Will the last note from the bandonion be the god lamenting, dying or in ecstasy. Not going to know until you listen.
Am leaving the milonga a little after midnight to pick up my copy of Harry Potter. Will pick it up wearing my Ravenclaw scarf. Watching the movies, owning the books and scarf is as much geek as I care to get about the series. There is so much else about the series I like. So what if Harry dies or not. The music Mrs. Rowling’s has created has been great. I believe she will play a great last tanda.