Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fandango de Tango Only in Texas

Pablo Pugliese is explaining how to do boleo, and he is drawing on the whip analogy. A man in the class, a big man, slowly draws a bandana out of his pocket, begins smoothing it in a ring he makes of thumb and forefinger.

When Pablo is done, the big man, shy, raises his hand.

Pablo raises his eyebrows.

I did the bullwhip, he says. It works like this. He snaps the bandana. It is nothing like a whip, it is too floatiy to snap. Never mind. He gives it a few tries, and people nod. This class is full of Texans.

Pablo nods. Apparently he has had experience with whips, or the snap of a wet towel. Later, he uses the analogy of the bandana to make a point. I like Pablo.

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THERE IS NO CHOCOLATE! Apparently, in this state, the term "black gold" means something else.

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