Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tango Faster to Get Smarter

According to “My Four-Week Quest: Be Smarter” (Wired, 15.01), we need 8.2 to 8.4 hours of sleep per night to achieve good memory, quick thinking and spatial orientation.

When a milonga runs until 1 or 2 a.m., what’s a dancer to do?

Radio SASS (Short Attention Span System) takes classic tunes and whittles them down to about two minutes. Editor-musicians trim the songs to their catchiest parts by pruning seconds from a guitar solo here, lopping off a chorus there. (Wired 15.03).

Imagine this: Milongas trimmed down to two hours. Stay to the end, grab a quick bite, and be tucked in by midnight.

SASS founder George Gimarc says listeners don’t miss the snipped bits. You decide: Check out the SASS versions of popular songs at

DJ Dave: Care to comment?

1 comment:

miss tango said...

This is why I am really loving the matinée milongas in Buenos Aires.