Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Spare me. Please.

At 8 a.m., a band has taken over the front room of my favorite coffee shop. They are wearing costumes—curly wigs and weird clothing. They are disco impersonators.

A television station is filming them. It’s a promo for a gig tonight.

The announcer has done his voiceover. The musicians are warming up.

Who listens to disco? It is not cool. It was not cool even when it was popular. The best you could call it is kitschy.

Also very loud. I am trying to write. Crammed in a back corner, I am working very hard to screen out the music, concentrate on my thoughts.

At the Denver Memorial Day Festival one month ago, Grisha taught a session on tango music, what defines it and makes it irresistible for dancing.

Disco has nothing in common with tango.

So why am I rocking in my chair?

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